Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NEVER, EVER Share These Things

1- Your Birthday.
2- E-mail You used To Join Stardoll
3- Real Name.
4- your last name.
5- How did you get your superstar membership.
6- Your Payment Number.

Because now people use these Info to hack other people

1st they will hack your E-mail ( this is how they will know your payment number )
2nd They will Send a Message to stardoll Telling Them That their Main Account Got hacked (they will send your stardoll username )
3rd stardoll will ask them for those info about your account

if they got it all rite then stardoll will send NEW Password To Your E-mail Witch is hacked ..
Then they will log in to it and change the E-mail and the Password

so be careful out there please

-Found on MSW, written by moon-vip -

xox - Julia

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